Friday, February 02, 2007

Friday Cat Blogging: One Year in Da House

It's been a slightly rough week on the personal animal front (year anniversary of Zanzibar's passing, poor Tiger missing), it's been whack. But I'm happy to report some good kitty news!

It was exactly a year ago today that Paikea conned me into bringing her home with me. And I didn't even have to ply her with wine and drugs!
Paikea Looks a Little Psycho, No? Yes! Bronx, NYC 2006

Nope, she looked innocent (ha!) and sweet (please!), and I'm sure she regrets ever coming to my house. She's a sweetie when she wants to be, and I'm glad to help her suffer through this life. Ain't she lucky? She loves to play and she's a squeaker. It's very cute. I made the mistake of having a ribbon on the floor. I heard her gagging. I was lucky to catch it only half-way down her throat. Pull!! She fetches, she jumps up around real high for the feather-on-a-string game. She may not like the pets, but she's AOK in my book. You da real Play-ah!

And no, the video or the action isn't great... but she can jump for a girl...

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