Thursday, February 21, 2008

19.... It's a Magic Number

According to the American Research Group, President Bush has acquired the lowest approval rating yet of his "career" as Commander-in-Chief. His approval rating has fallen to a dismal 19%.

N-I-N-E-T-E-E-N percent.

The ARG says:
A total of 78% of Americans say the national economy is getting worse and 47% say the national economy is in a recession. A total of 42% of Americans, however, say they believe the national economy will be better a year from now, which is the highest level for this question in the past year. This optimism does not spread to improvements in household financial situations as 17% of Americans say they expect their household financial situations to be better a year from now, which is the lowest for this question in the past year.
Hmm, I wonder why next year? Maybe because Bush won't be in office next year? It's possible.

19%. What a joke. Who are those 19% of people who still think he's doing a good job? I'd like to have a word or two with them. What am I saying? I don't want to get near those 19%. Whatever flesh-eating disease they might have, I don't want to catch it.

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